Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas wouldn't be the same without the kids...big and small...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ri's First Christmas Program!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

The most stressful part of the day was being at Luby's at 9:45a to pick up the turkey & dressing!
Turkey in a box!
Shawna coming in for the kill!
Deep fried turkey!
The friendly village!
Easiest Thanksgiving meal I've cooked...picked up! It was really good! Shawna brought mashed potatoes and I made a spinach salad. The turkey and dressing from Luby's was great!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Shred Day!

You know you're old when you look forward to Shred Day! Last year, I sat in line for an hour waiting to drop my car full of boxes off to be shredded! This year, I was going to be the first in line! They open at 9a so I left at 8:30a.

I had planned this one out! I stopped off at What-A-Burger to pick up breakfast so I could eat it waiting in line with all the other cars! Took my camera to take pics of the massive cars waiting in line, and a book to read. Got there this morning, drove right in the was early so the people were happy, waving where to go, pulled up to the crew who unloads your car. I had three boxes in the front seat and five in the trunk.

The lady opens the car door on the passenger side and said "Mam, do you know there is a five box limit?" I said "Yes, but there is also a 25o lb limit and my boxes are small." The lady didn't say anything and proceeded to unload my car.

I thought "They are done and I haven't even had time to take pictures or finish my breakfast! I'm going to get home and have some boxes in the trunk." Drove home through downtown Fort Worth! It is such a beautiful day and it looked so pretty with the blooming pansies!

The first thing I did when I got home was pop the trunk to see if they got all of my boxes! Yep! They got them all! I was happy to know Shred Day was a success!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Pumpkins

Morgan, Mason, McKenzie

Princess Ri
Casey Pumpkin was out of town.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

You Rock Adam!

This picture of Morgan and Adam was made on Amy and Adam's wedding day. Morgan was five years old and one of my favorite pictures until today!

Who would have thought that ten years later he'd be doing the "Daddy Dance" on a football field! I'm not sure when he had time to practice. He's been out of town this week!

You rock!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kenzie's Softball Game!

I was lucky enough to attend Kenzie's softball game on Saturday before we headed to Round Top. Adam took Kenzie to the batting cage to practice before the big game.

This is another big family event I was proud to be a part of! Kenzie's fans were parents, grandparents, aunt & cousins...a newborn at that! How lucky you kids are to have such a great support don't realize it now, but you will later on!

Above, Kenzie's cousin Emma
Above, cousin James...Kenzie's youngest fan!
Above, Kenzie's biggest fans dad & Mason!

Friday Night Lights!

I finally got to attend one of Morgan's high school football games! This was an awesome game because they won 15 - 14. Even more awesome, I got to sit in the stands and take family pictures! I'm sure the kids missed me this Friday!

This is a family event consisting of parents, grandparents, aunt & cousin, siblings...popcorn, nachos, cokes... I'm proud of you Morgie! Here's pics of your hard work!

Wonder what Mason's thinking...he'll be out there on the field someday!

Sweet Kenzie!

Adam thinking...go away T!

Grandpa, Aunt Becky & Emma

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Two 4-Wheeling Grannys

After our two-mile walk Friday morning, Tommy got Milissa and I ready for our adventure! On the way to the backside of the mountain, we met Tammy, their neighbor. The first thing I noticed was Tammy's purple boots! I have some hot pink boots I wear to go stompin' in the fields at Round Top!

I love the boots!
We picked up Tammy and gave her a ride to her house.
Tammy was amazing! I watched and clicked as she fed all the animals! You could tell she honestly loves the country!

Raised garden beds.
Tammy feeding her crew!

Is this not the fattest sweetest bunny you've ever seen!
Cat in a tree.
After we left Tammy's house, we drove down the street and saw 50+ hummingbirds at Fred's house. My dad loved hummingbirds! The are a favorite of mine also. This pic was taken from the street in front of Fred's house.
Pics below are in the woods.

If this isn't God's country, I don't know what is!

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