Sunday, October 11, 2009

You Rock Adam!

This picture of Morgan and Adam was made on Amy and Adam's wedding day. Morgan was five years old and one of my favorite pictures until today!

Who would have thought that ten years later he'd be doing the "Daddy Dance" on a football field! I'm not sure when he had time to practice. He's been out of town this week!

You rock!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kenzie's Softball Game!

I was lucky enough to attend Kenzie's softball game on Saturday before we headed to Round Top. Adam took Kenzie to the batting cage to practice before the big game.

This is another big family event I was proud to be a part of! Kenzie's fans were parents, grandparents, aunt & cousins...a newborn at that! How lucky you kids are to have such a great support don't realize it now, but you will later on!

Above, Kenzie's cousin Emma
Above, cousin James...Kenzie's youngest fan!
Above, Kenzie's biggest fans dad & Mason!

Friday Night Lights!

I finally got to attend one of Morgan's high school football games! This was an awesome game because they won 15 - 14. Even more awesome, I got to sit in the stands and take family pictures! I'm sure the kids missed me this Friday!

This is a family event consisting of parents, grandparents, aunt & cousin, siblings...popcorn, nachos, cokes... I'm proud of you Morgie! Here's pics of your hard work!

Wonder what Mason's thinking...he'll be out there on the field someday!

Sweet Kenzie!

Adam thinking...go away T!

Grandpa, Aunt Becky & Emma

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